Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Kat Stacks Drunk.....

This blog was past over-due for a post about this "groupie bitch" Kat Stacks. The internet been buzzing about her for a while now with her stories about celebrities and calling herself "exposing" them. Personally i don't like her...i mean what's the point in trying to expose them? At the end of the day they still gone be famous and you gone be a groupie ass hoe lol. I found a video of Kat Stacks on twitvid of her drunk in the back of some dudes car. I guess cocks just flings to her lol but this video is funny...drunk people are funny in general....

Well we all know now to not fucks with her because she "from the streets dawg!" lmao drunk ass bitch. I heard after the video they kicked her out the car and left her on the side of the street which makes it funnier. She should feel right at home lmao. Guess what Kat Stacks?! Your groupie drunken ass just been BLASTED!

Ps- if you want to follow this hoe on twitter its @ihatekatstacks

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